GSM ESG Framework – Carbon Negative Startup

From our GSM start up pre-Seed stage we wanted to treat our carbon emission activity like our financial profit and loss: running a positive surplus.  

Our pioneering GSM ESG framework has led us to create a methodology to quantify this to ensure we not only offset our carbon emission but to ‘double-down’ by offsetting twice the emissions, thus being carbon negative and becoming a positive net contributor.

We integrate products into our circular economy loop, which would otherwise end up in the linear economy and, ultimately, landfill.

The use of stock acquired from the secondary market by Global Sustainable Markets has a positive impact on the environment and society by reclaiming landfills and decreasing carbon emissions. The quantified environmental impact model calculates the landfill reclaimed along with the avoided CO2 emissions associated with each product’s acquisition.

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GSM contributes to a circular economy by mitigating secondary market financial, material, and environmental waste. Our key deliverables include harnessing secondary market supply to primary market sustainable demand, to drive the global circular economy. The ESG research of GSM is increasingly focused on Net Resource Value (NRV) and environmental data.

We are determined to drive the circular economy to minimize material waste for enterprises and enable regional governments to reach their sustainable development goals. We aim at providing conscious consumerism and standardized quantifiable reporting data metrics to achieve these long-term goals, for the betterment of clients, customers, colleagues, communities, and the company.

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